Power Distribution and Decay

We have implemented a unique Power Distribution and Decay mechanism to foster a dynamic and engaging ecosystem. This mechanism is designed to maintain an active and vibrant user base while ensuring that users who actively contribute and engage are appropriately rewarded.

Power represents a user's influence and authority within the platform. It measures their stake and activity on the platform, which can be powered up by holding and staking our native token. Power allows users to have a more significant impact on the forum, including increased voting power, higher rewards, and enhanced visibility for their content.

The Power Distribution and Decay mechanism is necessary to prevent power hoarding by inactive or dormant users. We believe in rewarding users who actively participate and contribute to the platform's growth. Encouraging regular interaction and engagement ensures that the ecosystem remains dynamic and vibrant.

Here's how the Power Decay process works: If users remain inactive for a certain period, their power starts to decay gradually. The decay rate is 10% for every seven days of inactivity. This means that the user's power decreases by 10% every seven days of inactivity. The decayed power is then redistributed to active users in the ecosystem, providing them with additional opportunities for engagement and rewards.

It's important to note that even if users' power is subject to decay, they can earn it back by actively engaging on the platform. For every consecutive 7-day period of active participation, the user's power recovers by 10%. This means that users who return to regular activity can gradually regain their full power potential and once again enjoy the associated benefits within the ecosystem. By providing a path to power recovery, we encourage users to maintain an ongoing presence and contribute actively to the platform, fostering a sense of fairness and rewarding those who consistently engage with the community.

Last updated